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Adventure #4: Newport, Rhode Island

Mary Shertenlieb

Adventure #4: Newport, Rhode Island

Book:  Kites Sail High

Hotel:  Gilded

Rhode Island.  Until recently, I knew only two things about this state...that it was the smallest in the union and it was home to the best frozen lemonade on the planet, Del's.  I dare you to find better frozen lemonade anywhere.  It's like crack!  I've never tried crack (gross!) but I hear it's pretty darn addictive.  Just like Del's.  With slightly less damaging effects to your sweet body.

Rhode Island is beautiful.  I didn't know a thing about Newport until recently, which is a shame considering it is barely over an hour away from Boston.  Downtown Newport is super cute and full of fun shops and tasty restaurants - one of the best BBQ places ever is here, Smoke House, and this is coming from a gal who spent 30 years of her life down south eating BBQ like crazy.  Another delicious restaurant was this authentic Mexican joint in town, Perro Salado.  Amazing!  Again, I am picky about Mexican food having spent three years in Texas.  So in the food department, Newport is perfection.  And remember, Del's is around every corner. EVERY corner. Almost scary if it wasn't so delish!

What drew us to Newport was not all of the Del's or the boat stuff (apparently it is home to yachting races and all sorts of boat adventures and such), but being the clueless boat person that I am, I had no idea until recently that it was the cradle of all of that.  So my guys got to watch a ton of boats out in the harbor and we spent a chunk of time picking out our dream boats.  

Ok, so back to what drew us here - the Newport Folk Fest.  Last year was our first time - I was due to go into the hospital for five weeks of chemo fueled fun.  But we were able to squeeze in the festival and see one of our favorites, Ryan Adams, just hours before I was to start chemo. So I have a feeling this festival will always have a special place in my heart, because I got to listen to good music in the warm sunshine with my husband and boys. There is truly not more one needs!

Summer, 2014. Hours before a five week hospital stay. Yes, I look sick.  I had cancer! Yikes. Just focus please on Max's curly blonde waves. 

This year, Roger Waters was lined up to play, so we figured it would be great to bring the often do you get a chance to see him?  The Newport Folk Fest is held at Fort Adams State is this breathtakingly beautiful old school fort that juts out onto the harbor...a breezy spot with a perfect sunset.  The folks who attend this festival could not be friendlier - everyone enjoys the kids and there is nary a scowl to be thrown in our direction.  Which makes me feel all nice and cozy.  Well, turns out a surprise band was playing and it ended up being My Morning Jacket, which until that moment, I was unfamiliar with and now I'm in love!  Pretty dang awesome. spidey senses could tell a huge thunderstorm was heading our we decided to skip Roger and head for dry ground, since thunderstorms, kids and festivals seem like a rotten mix. Plus My Morning Jacket was so amazing that it made up for everything!

Yes, a rainbow behind us! A sign from the big man upstairs that all is ok.  I believe in miracles!

One of my nurses, Nicole, happened to be there, too - how amazing is that? She was my night nurse last summer and really ruled.  Truly, when I was throwing up at 2am, she was there!


Just like My Morning Jacket was new and was our hotel!  Even the name is fun...Gilded.  A throwback to the Gilded Age and the crazy old school mansions that are still in Newport. Gilded used my favorite color all over...dark purple.  Already two great things going for it.  Plus it's brand new...and part of a fun fairly new group of boutique hotels popping up around New England, Lark. It was our first experience with these folks and it was perfect.  They give each family an iPad at check-in with fun highlights for Newport - restaurants, kid activities, parks, etc. The decor is refreshing and super modern - bright colors and fun materials. I have to say I'm kinda loving that wallpaper is coming back...especially the florals. It reminds me of my mom's powder room growing up, and that's a good thing.  Cozy, but "not grandmother-ly". 

Back to that purple thing. Our room had this amazing purple plushy sofa that was oh so cozy.  I really fell in love with it!  The colors were just so unlike any I had seen in any other hotel - so vibrant.  The little patio was the perfect spot for a delicious and inspired breakfast which covered a bunch of sweet and savory choices and some fruit, in the shape of balls...which was a delight to my dudes. It's the little things, y'all!  While the boys were eating breakfast, they were also playing croquet, having a blast. 

Check out this breakfast spread.  So inspiring and not the usual stale crumb cake. Even the little containers were adorable!

Morning croquet!  

Not only was the hotel super original, the staff was so friendly and sweet, giving us great restaurant tips...that's where we heard about Perro Salado.  Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood filled with old giant trees, but close enough that you're only a five minute walk from the heart of town. So, Gilded was a home run!


So the weekend was amazing...the festival, the food, downtown, Gilded, Del's...but I think my favorite part of all was Benton State Park.  I was reading that this spot is one of the prettiest along the coast and that it's known for being the perfect kite flying destination.  There was a Del's truck parked there (yay!) and a little truck selling kites.  Hank picked a minion one and immediately it was up in the air (and I am horrible horrible horrible at getting kites up...I usually end up in a tangled mess), but this spot where the grassy hills meet the sea has a pretty constant breeze that is just perfect for kite flying.  Lots of folks were flying was fun seeing them all up there. 

Three hours flew by...laying in the grass and just chilling.  Hank and Max both rolled down the big hill and I joined them...of course afterwards I noticed the big "tick warning" sign, but honestly.  

So Newport, I am officially a big fan.  My family and I have a date with a breezy hill, the sea just feet away and a minion kite.

Our book to tie into this trip was "Kites Sail High" by Ruth Heller.  The artwork in this book is stellar - I love the kites on the cover.  Pretty kite fish.  Just like our kite adventure was a surprise, so was this book - turns out it is all about verbs, but with a clever way of describing the various types. While reading this book to my guys, I realized that I badly needed a refresher on verbs.  I's when you teach your kids something that you realize how much you needed it, too. 

Yay for kites, frozen lemonade, festivals, unique hotels and teensy beachy states!

